Come visit us at the Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Conference 2014!
Come and visit Coast SeismicSafe’s booth at the 2014 Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Conference held at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, 1088 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC from November 18-19!
We will be offering live demonstrations of the amazing ISO-Base™ Seismic Isolation Platform and answering any questions you may have regarding any of WorkSafe™ Technologies’ seismic mitigation products.
About the Conference
The Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Conference is a program that brings together topics of importance to the emergency management and the business communities.
Two organizations joined together in 2013 to co-host the inaugural Annual Conference. The Pacific Northwest Preparedness Society (host of the annual EPConference) and the Emergency Preparedness for Industry and Commerce Council (host of the annual EPICC Forum) have combined efforts to bring a new and exciting forum to the Pacific Northwest region.
The objectives of the conference are:
To bring together professional emergency planners, business continuity planners and others with a responsibility for emergency preparedness and business continuity
To provide emergency response information, resources and networking opportunities
To create awareness of the need for emergency preparedness in healthcare facilities
To promote the establishment of uniform standards and guidelines in emergency preparedness for healthcare facilities
To review recent disaster events and their impacts on communities
This is the premier emergency management conference in the Pacific Northwest. It appeals to practitioners in the areas of emergency management, health, business continuity, first response, emergency social services and volunteerism.
Five theme streams have been designed into the program:
Emergency Management
1st Responders
Emergency Social Services and Volunteerism
Business Continuity
Posted in: Annoucements
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