
Countertop Equipment Fastening

Lab fastening systems keep countertop instruments seismically secure yet clear and accessible.  These “technician-friendly” systems offer quick-release buckles, and in most cases can be moved and re-used as the lab adds or deletes equipment.


Floor Equipment Fastening

Floor equipment fastening systems allow large lab appliances such as freezers, refrigerators, shakers and centrifuges to be secured in order to protect worker safety, important test samples and chemicals. These fastening methods attach items to the wall or floor and are lab-friendly with use of bio-coated strapping and stainless steel hardware, fasteners and anchors.


Tank Fastening

Space-efficient modular steel corral systems can be installed in labs to restrain standard gas cylinders or nitrogen tanks to prevent them from becoming missiles in a seismic event.  All of these systems are equipped with code-approved double chain restraints.


Miscellaneous Lab Items Fastening

Other miscellaneous lab equipment such as racks, carts and cabinets should be securely fastened in the event of an earthquake.  These items can each be accounted for by utilizing the correct restraints to ensure a safe lab environment.

For detailed information and pricing please contact us or visit WorkSafe Technologies’ Laboratory Solutions site.